Saturday, February 18, 2017

I keep coming back to the fact that the most discouraging thing about the Trump debacle is that the choice between Hillary and Trump was the most obvious choice in the entire history of elections going back to ancient Greece, and yet 90+% of those on the Right and a not insignificant number on the Left couldn't manage to get it right.  No matter what happens in the future, it is clear nearly half of voters can't be trusted to manage the political version of adding 1 plus 1 without getting 47 as the answer.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Out Like Flynn.

One down, many many more to go. This battle isn't won until the American Fascist Party of Trump and Ryan is booted from power. Long road ahead: stay angry but pace yourselves.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Thing to remember is that ALL Trump supporters (and polls indicate that includes 90% of the GOP) are evil, stupid, or insane, or some varying combination of those three.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Trump will never be "normal." But the GOP will do their best to demand we make it so. Resist.
Reading the excellent short novel  The Kaiser's Last Kiss by Alan Judd, in which the exiled monarch meets his Nazi successors, the Kaiser is given a speech that could apply very well not only to Trump and Bannon etc., but to most Republicans at this point:'

"Do you not see that these men are incomplete? They are shells with undeveloped souls rattling around inside. They will betray anything and everything because they believe only in themselves, but know not themselves. They are madmen. And that is why they do not know what other people are, which is why they can do terrible things and not see why it matters. And so they cannot see how completely they, in turn, will be destroyed, our nation with them. They are men of dreams who lead us sleepwalking into a nightmare."

Friday, February 3, 2017

If it is about economic anxiety, how come I mostly see Trump stickers on expensive cars?