Saturday, January 7, 2017

The Deplorables

Trump voters are in fact Deplorable. Ignorance is one thing, willful ignorance something else. Decades of stewing inside a far-Right bubble has curdled sour milk into toxic cheese. Bernie may keep talking about winning over the white working class, but that can only be done at the expense of women and minorities. (And yes, 53% of white women voted for Trump, deciding that they were White more than they were Women.)

It took a great many things to give us Trump. This is a partial list:

A corrupt incompetent cowardly and sexist Mainstream Media (hereafter MSM).

The unjustified attacks on HRC's character by the Bernie campaign, which continued long after it was clear the choice was her or Trump.  Yes Bernie campaigned for her in the end, in a classic case of too little, too late.

The intervention of the Russians, through the demented clown Assange.

The virtual coup by the FBI.

Remove any one of those and Trump would be back in private life trying to avoid another bankruptcy. But none of that removes the responsibility of those who voted for Trump. And it was sexism and racism that motivated those voters.

Which is why I will feel no empathy when their support of Trump bites them on the ass. (They will blame it on the Dems anyway.)

Hence the name of this Blog. 

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